Friday, November 18, 2005

BEST OF (TENT) SHOW: What is a Secular Christianist?


What is a Secular Christianist?

A Secular Christianist is not a Christian per se, but a particular kind of Christian; a political Christian rather than a spiritual Christian. Not all Secular Christianists are what my Grandma would have called good Christian folk, if you judge them by their public behavior. I don’t even want to think about their private lives. But the Gospel and my Granny have told me that I have no call to judge. They certainly stridently identify themselves as “true” Christians, and they prefer to be in the judgement seat, not before it.

Secular Christianists are people who cross the line drawn by the First Amendment, because they think have a direct line to God Almighty, and seek to impose God—their idea of God, their “bible-based” morals, their particular version—and their peculiar interpretation of—the Word of God, on our designedly secular government, and our religiously—spiritually—diverse society.

Secular Christianists would like to teach the children of our country that United States of America is a Christian Nation, established from the very beginning on Christian principles by the Founding Fathers. The small t truth about our founding fathers and our nation is a whole lot more complicated than that, but Christianists don’t like complications. Their political principle—if not their motto—is “Keep it simple, for stupid”—for the credulous, the gullible, and the self-deluded.

White, black. Good, evil. Right, wrong. With us, against us. Secular Christianists like to feel that they are surrounded by enemies, and they want us, their fellow citizens to feel that way, too. I think it can be fairly and balancedly said that Secular Christianism as movement, with an assist from Al Qaeda, has succeeded in achieving that goal.

Secular Christianists believe in unity through fear and demonization of the other. They believe in terrorizing wayward souls into the arms of Jesus. Christianists believe in soul searching, but not their souls; they want to search your soul, your hard drive, your bedroom. Many of them are what I call Soul Arsonists, who work on the principle of destroying souls in order to save them. Secular Christianists find solace as well as salvation in the thrill of hellfire and the comfort of myriad enemies hugging them close.

Do you want to live in fear? They do.


JonasJV said...

My Dear!I don't want to live in fear, because I like live in love. But what a question I want to put here: do someone can understand why these people like live in fear? Maybe they have no understanding at all about possibility live in love? What genesis leads to live either in fear or in love?

LittleButterCup said...

1-2-3 test

LittleButterCup said...

Pardon the "test" above. I have been having password troubles, as I've let on in my blog, and I didn't know if your Comments were going to let me post.

Anyway, I love the phrase "secular Christianist." Maybe I'll use it, crediting you. But, then, maybe I disagree with it.

Is there "real" and "false" piety, as some assert? Isn't it safer to declare all piety--Mother Theresa's to that of George W. Bush--"real," and its moral consequences unpredictable?

Dr. Omed said...

All piety or pieties real or pretended are dangerous, methinks...