Thursday, October 20, 2005


I already have a blog. A Salon Blog called Dr. Omed’s Tent Show Revival. Why would I need another? That is a long and wearisome story. My wife Elspeth talked me into starting a blog, and further recommended that I get my blog at Salon, because of the community, which I did. The Tent Show will be coming up on its third Blogday next April. Some few faithful pilgrims have joined the congregation, and some of my fellow bloggers have become close friends even tho’ I’ve never met them in person. Elspeth was right, I do enjoy blogging and I feel very much at home with the blogger community at Salon. I’ve done a lot of writing that I would not otherwise have done, and gained an audience I would not otherwise have.

There is, however, a monstrous big fly in this otherwise soothing ointment: The Radio Userland software that is part of the Salon package. I am not a terribly savvy software person, and some problems I’ve had with the blog I caused through my own stupidity or ignorance, but Radio blogware is not forgiving to a person like me. As a co-worker is wont to say, “There is much suckage here.” I’m not the only Salon blogger who has had problems. The ether has been seared with the flaming of our discontent, particularly since we are paying for the privilege of using a defective, poorly supported product. I don’t want to be mean. Userland’s designated go-to blogmeister Lawrence Lee can be helpful, once you get his attention and he actually reads your email, but I get the impression that he has a day job, and supports Radio in his spare time. I do not regret my choice. I plan to stay at Salon and continue using Radio. However.

I have started this new blog, Dr. Omed’s Mirror, as a back-up to the Tent Show. I will use it to repost the “Best of” Tent Show, and as a home away from home when the snafu is fubared, and I can’t post to the Tent Show. Sam will no longer have to provide me a haven. Blogger is free, and it will give me an opportunity to learn how to use blogware that does not define the phrase “user-unfriendly.”

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